I love bringing the outdoors inside. Driftwood, shells, rocks, objects that grab me and remind me of a place I have been. But what is up with antler's, horns and empty turtle shells as art/decoration? Clearly the coolest of the cool say it is swish, look at the shelters mags and catalogs that people covet, but I am a bit lost. I am not a hunter, but understand(lack of better word, here)why hunters keep racks as a trophy of sorts. Not my thing, but ok, it is a sport to some, whatever, don't get all PETA on me, I can't even flush a goldfish. I have a friend whose dog, Ruffin, feels he is a hunter. He brings her all sorts of dead things, things that have been dead, clearly, for years, that he finds and chooses to collect. See above. Not sure that makes him a hunter( sorry, Ruff, you are so good at so many things ) but my friend keeps his stash by the door, which seems to make this pup quite proud. So that is what I mean.....sort of.
Anyway. Why are people who have never ventured off a city block decorating with collections, often fake, of antlers all over the wall? I was at the local flea this weekend and people were practically ramming(ha! ha!) each other to get into a booth that had everything dead you could imagine, or parts of dead things, anyway. And they were expensive as hell, too. One woman bought twenty nine turtle shells at $20 a piece. I asked her why she did not get thirty, and while she did not answer verbally, her expression told me it was the wrong question. I was just curious is all.
So tell me. I want to know. Was up?
Hi...how are you? I took my 8 year old to a vintage flea market recently and there was a booth with a very large mounted deer head. It probably didn't help any that she also had several fur stoles with the fox head still attached. I thought my little girl was going to go off on that vendor. It really ticked her off and I had to explain the whole thing to her. Made me realize it's kind of funny to see that whole trend from the eyes of a child. The only problem....I couldn't explain it all that well when I don't understand it fully myself.
ReplyDeleteRuffin's collection is pretty cute though. She is a better 'mother' than me for letting him display them so proudly.
Idk? I am not a big fan of, bodies, bones or other past living parts in my home,...I choose to stick with the living mess, torn construction paper with crayon I am still scrubbing off of the floor.
ReplyDeleteI find myself getting more and more into things like driftwood and starfish. Not so much the bones, but the rest of it. I find it very soothing and other-wordly. And I know it's just outdoor stuff, but when the outdoors is brought inside, it seems so different.
ReplyDeleteHilarious! Yesterday, when we were off road, we all wore orange vests (which I've done on every hike since early September). I cringe when I see one of those "welcome hunters!" signs at the LIQUOR stores. Every time I see antlers, especially fake ones, in a magazine I ask the same questions as you...wtf??? I take spiders outside because I can't kill them. I wish I could have seen the woman's face when you asked about turtle #30.
ReplyDeleteI have seen a a crazy amount of antlers lately. Trend like owls were?
ReplyDeleteI think that it's a bit of a 'style or vile' issue !!
ReplyDeleteI don't like them at all...I could manage the pebbles and driftwood on the fireplace. I think that is acceptable...but the antlers? Not my thing at all. XXXX
Jacqueline-You are so right! It really could be a style or vile issue. I should change the title. Ok, I am!!!
ReplyDeleteI have the feeling it's the trend thingie, just like fashion they go in a full-cycle-circle I suppose...errr I love collecting shoes! hehe...
ReplyDeleteI adore the fireplace with the stones on it. I admire tropheys of any kind. They are a symbol of achievement~
I wonder if it has something to do with always wanting what we don't have? City folk find fantasy in the forest living, country folk seem to thing they're hip with sparkly things...but then if we are country folk amidst a house full of flannel and antlers, or an urbanite in an apartment full of glitz, are we just considered eccentric?
ReplyDeleteWhen you find out, let me know because I've been perplexed about this too!
ReplyDeleteI think it's the fantasy side of decorating - creating an environment that tells a story (with these things: I'm close to nature, I'm well-travelled, I'm eccentric, I am able to make high stacks out of things, etc.). Same as people who have never even sat on a horse doing Ralph Lauren equestrian to the gills. But I'm OK with it. It's a room, not a resume!
ReplyDeleteExtraordinary. I love the riverstones on the mantle with a few pieces of old painted wood. Lovely. Sea Witch